It is every employee’s responsibility to acknowledge every customer or fellow employee and be cognizant of the need to accommodate all people with disabilities.
We are committed to treat all people in a manner that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. Any interaction must be initiated to assist in a timely fashion, which we will do so by eliminating barriers and any perceived accessibility concerns for the individual.
For example, if you encounter an individual with a cane, walker, wheelchair or any other disability, please ensure that you extend every courtesy and assist the person, whether it is as simple as opening a door, helping them to the customer lounge, asking if they need directions, locations of washrooms, etc.
Our facilities are compliant with the Disabilities Act and our customer washrooms are properly equipped with the necessary handrails.
If customers with disabilities are in for vehicle service, offer them a chair or seat them in the lounge and confer with them in a more comfortable setting.
We, in our commitment to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities will consult with people with disabilities to further determine their information and communications needs.
We at Butler GM are committed to fair and accessible employment practices and will notify public and staff that, when requested, we will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment processes and when people are hired.
We will take the necessary steps to develop and put into place a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return to work policies for employees that have been absent due to a disability.